Polymorphic Solitaire
Last Update: Dec 23, 2014
© 2012-2014 Jan Wolter
Game List
Double Russian Rules

Rules for Double Russian Solitaire

Play Double Russian


A two-deck version of Russian solitaire.


Two standard decks. Since colors don't matter, politaire substitutes a four-color deck of cards..


Move all cards to the foundation.


Eight foundation piles.

Any ace may be moved to any empty pile in the foundation.

A card may be added onto a foundation pile if it is one higher than the old top card of the pile and of the same suit.Thus, the only card that could be played on a 10♠ would be a J♠. No pile may contain more than 13 cards.

Once on the foundation, cards may not be moved back off..


Ten tableau piles of cards, arranged as below, where "D" indicates a face-down card and "U" indicates a face-up card:
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
  U  D  D  D  D  D  D  D  D  D
  U  U  D  D  D  D  D  D  D  D
  U  U  U  D  D  D  D  D  D  D
  U  U  U  U  D  D  D  D  D  D
  U  U  U  U  U  D  D  D  D  D
     U  U  U  U  U  D  D  D  D
     U  U  U  U  U  U  D  D  D
        U  U  U  U  U  U  D  D
           U  U  U  U  U  U  D
              U  U  U  U  U  U
                 U  U  U  U  U
                    U  U  U  U
                       U  U  U
                          U  U

A card may be added onto a tableau pile if it is one lower than the old top card of the pile and of the same suit.Thus, the only card that could be played on a 9♣ would be an 8♣.

Cards on the tableau that are not under another card are available for play onto the foundation or any other tableau pile.

Empty spaces in the tableau may be filled by kings only.

Furthermore, any face-up card anywhere in the tableau may be moved to another tableau column where it fits, taking all cards that were on top of it along.

Similar Games:

Russian (Play) (Rules)
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A three-deck version of Russian solitaire by Thomas Warfield.


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